OCR Output


Since the middle of March a great number of important con¬
ferences have taken place in Moscow. At these Conferences not only
Members of the Politburo, but also 411 the high military leaders
and top diplomats took place : in fact, the activity, though hidden,
was just as intensive as at all the crucial moments in Soviet his¬
tory, They were closely reminiscent to those meetings soon after the
Munich agreement, when the very idea of the non=agression pact with
Hitler was discussed. A very rare thihg took place : people like
Zhukov, Koniev, Malinovsky sat in at very ipportant meetings with
the top officials of the Foreign Office. From the Politburo Molotov,
Melenkov and - important to note - Sussloff where permanently pre=
sent, So was Beria and Woroshiloff. Vishinsky was hot always there,
but was called in, especially at the meetings in early Aprile In fact
the activity was so feverish, that even people outside of the en=¬
chanted circle noticed that something big was on foot,

The belief expressed by certain by certain diplomats in
their dispatches, that the discissions were dealing with the succ
cession of Stalin, are not accurate. It is conceivable, that in
private talks the question was raised, since it is on everyone's
mind anyhow. But the main reason of the important meetings was
entirely different : it was in fact a discussion of re-appraisal
of the whole political situation and of study as to the orientation
of Soviet Foreign Policy in the future.

While it is as yet impossible to know in detail ali the de¬
cisions - it. is even open to question, whether we shall ever be
able to get them all - we have from the very top sources good indi¬
cations as to what was discussed and what the great lines of the
decisions weres It should be pointed out here, that the source of
our Moschw observer is very highranking and that he knows at least

The fundamental idea of the fiscussion was the question
of the war with the United States, While as far as we know no date
was discússed, the consent of opinion was that it was not farther
off than five years, possibly less. The question for the Soviets
therefore is one of both equipment and policies, In the present
stage and in the scope of the present discussions the questions of
policies werethe center of interest.

The prile idea on which consent was reached was that the
paramoúnt fron would be Asia - that means the question of Red China
