What a grand day it was when little Lord Fauntleroy’s birthday
arrived, and how his young lordship enjoyed it! How beautiful the
park looked, filled with the thronging people dressed in their gayest
and best, and with the flags flying from the tents and the top of the
Castle! Nobody had staid away who could possibly come, because
everybody was really glad that little Lord Fauntleroy was to be little
Lord Fauntleroy still, and some day was to be the master of every¬
thing. Every one wanted to have a look at him, and at his pretty,
kind mother, who had made so many friends. And positively every
one liked the Earl rather better, and felt more amiably toward him
because the little boy loved and trusted him so, and because, also,
he had now made friends with and behaved respectfully to his heirs
mother. It was said that he was even beginning to be fond of her,
too, and that between his young lordship and his young lordship's
mother, the Earl might be changed in time into quite a well-behaved
old nobleman, and everybody might be happier and better off.
What scores and scores of people there were under the trees,
and in the tents, and on the lawns! Farmers and farmers wives in
their Sunday suits and bonnets and shawls; girls and their sweet¬
hearts; children frolicking and chasing about; and old dames in
red cloaks gossiping together. At the Castle, there were ladies and
gentlemen who had come to see the fun, and to congratulate the
Earl, and to meet Mrs. Errol. Lady Lorredaile and Sir Harry were
there, and Sir Thomas Asshe and his daughters, and Mr. Havisham,
of course, and then beautiful Miss Vivian Herbert, with the loveliest
white gown and lace parasol, and a circle of gentlemen to take care
of her—though she evidently liked Fauntleroy better than all of
them put together. And when he saw her and ran to her and put his
arm around her neck, she put her arms around him, too, and kissed
him as warmly as if he had been her own favorite little brother, and