‘ Bust!” said Mr. Hobbs. "It s my opinion it s a put-up job
o" the British ’ristycrats to rob him of his rights because he’s an
American. They ve had a spite agin us ever since the Revolution,
an’ they re takin’ it out on him. "I told you he was nt safe, an’
see what s happened! Like as not, the whole gover’ment’s got
together to rob him of his lawful ownin s."
He was very much agitated. He had not approved of the
change in his young friend’s circumstances at first, but lately he had
become more reconciled to it, and after the receipt of Cedric’s letter
he had perhaps even felt some secret pride in his young friend’s
magnificence. He might not have a good opinion of earls, but he
knew that even in America money was considered rather an agree¬
able thing, and if all the wealth and grandeur were to go with the
title, it must be rather hard to lose it.
“They "re trying to rob him!” he said, "that s what they ’re
doing, and folks that have money ought to look after him.”
And he kept Dick with him until quite a late hour to talk it
over, and when that young man deft, he went with him to the corner
of the street; and on his way back he stopped opposite the empty
house for some time, staring at the " To Let,” and smoking his pipe,
in much disturbance of mind.