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young mother, and wondered if the boy were as handsome as
he was said to be, and men who knew the Earl and his habits
laughed heartily at the stories of the little fellow’s belief in his lord¬
ships amiability. Sir [Thomas Asshe of Asshawe Hall, being in
Erleboro one day, met the Earl and his grandson riding together,
and stopped to shake hands with my lord and congratulate him on
his change of looks and on his recovery from the gout. "And,
d’ ye know,” he said, when he spoke of the incident afterward,
‘the old man looked as proud as a turkey-cock; and upon my
word I don’t wonder, for a handsomer, finer lad than his grandson |
never saw! As straight as a dart, and sat his pony like a young

And so by degrees Lady Lorridaile, too, heard of the child;
she heard about Higgins and the lame boy, and the cottages at
Earl’s Court, and a score of other things —and she began to wish
to see the little fellow. And just as she was wondering how it might
be brought about, to her utter astonishment, she received a letter
from her brother inviting her to come with her husband to Dorin¬

‘It seems incredible!” she exclaimed. ‘I have heard it said that
the child has worked miracles, and I| begin to believe it. They say
my brother adores the boy and can scarcely endure to have him out
of sight. And he isso proud of him! Actually, I believe he wants to
show him to us.” And she accepted the invitation at once.

When she reached Dorincourt Castle with Sir Harry, it was
late in the afternoon, and she went to her room at once before seeing
her brother. Having dressed for dinner, she entered the drawing¬
room. The Earl was there standing near the fire and looking very
tall and imposing; and at his side stood a little boy in black velvet,
and a large Vandyke collar of rich lace—a little fellow whose round
bright face was so handsome, and who turned upon her such beautt¬