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c What!" he said; "you want to make a builder of model cot¬

tages of me, do you?” And he positively put his own hand upon
the childish one and stroked it.

‘“ Those must be pulled down,” said Fauntleroy, with great eager¬
ness. ‘“ Dearest saysso. Let us—let us go and have them pulled
down to-morrow. The people will be so glad when they see you!
They ‘ll know you have come to help them!” And his eyes shone
like stars in his glowing face.

The Earl rose from his chair and put his hand on the child’s
shoulder. "Let us go out and take our walk on the terrace,” he
said, with a short laugh; "and we can talk it over.”

And though he laughed two or three times again, as they
walked to and fro on the broad stone terrace, where they walked
together almost every fine evening, he seemed to be thinking of

something which did not displease him, and still he kept his hand on
his small companion’s shoulder.