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Fauntleroy drew a long breath.

“A pony!” he exclaimed. ‘ Whose pony is it?”

‘Yours,’ replied the Earl. |

“Mine?” cried the little fellow. ‘“Mine—like the things
upstairs ? ”

‘Yes, said his grandfather. " Would you like to see it? Shall
I order it to be brought around?”

Fauntleroy s cheeks grew redder and redder.

"1 never thought I should have a pony!” he said. “I never
thought that! How glad Dearest will be. You give me everything,
don't you?”

"Do you wish to see it?” inquired the Earl.

Fauntleroy drew a long breath. ‘I waz? to see it,” he said.
‘“] want to see it so much I can hardly wait. But I m afraid there
is nt time.”

“You must go and see your mother this afternoon?” asked the
Earl. ‘You think you can’t put it off?”

‘Why,’ said Fauntleroy, "she has been thinking about me all the
morning, and I have been thinking about her!”

“Oh!” said the Earl. " You have, have you? Ring the bell.”

As they drove down the avenue, under the arching trees, he was
rather silent. But Fauntleroy was not. He talked about the pony.
What color was it? How big was it? What was its name? What
did it like to eat best? How old was it? How early in the morn¬
ing might he get up and see it?

“Dearest will be so glad!” he kept saying. "She will be so
much obliged to you for being so kind to me! She knows I always
liked ponies so much, but we never thought I should have one.
There was a little boy on Fifth Avenue who had one, and he used
to ride out every morning and we used to take a walk past his house
to see him.”