OCR Output


Fauntleroy looked up at the gentleman in the clerical garments,
and gave him his hand.

‘Tam very glad to make your acquaintance, sir,” he said, remem¬
bering the words he had heard Mr. Hobbs use on one or two occasions
when he had been greeting a new customer with ceremony. Cedric felt
quite sure that one ought to be more than usually polite to a minister.

Mr. Mordaunt held the small hand in his a moment as he looked
down at the child’s face, smiling involuntarily. He liked the little
fellow from that instant—as in fact people always did like him.
And it was not the boy’s beauty and grace which most appealed to
him; it was the simple, natural kindliness in the little lad which made
any words he uttered, however quaint and unexpected, sound pleas¬
ant and sincere. As the rector looked at Cedric, he forgot to think
of the Earl at all. Nothing in the world is so strong as a kind
heart, and somehow this kind little heart, though it was only the
heart of a child, seemed to clear all the atmosphere of the big
gloomy room and make it brighter.

“Tam delighted to make your acquaintance, Lord Fauntleroy,”
said the rector. " You made a long journey to come to us. A great
many people will be glad to know you made it safely.”

“It was a long way, answered Fauntleroy, "but Dearest, my
mother, was with me and Í was n't lonely. Of course you are never
lonely if your mother is with you; and the ship was beautiful.”

“Take a chair, Mordaunt,” said the Earl. Mr. Mordaunt sat
down. He glanced from Fauntleroy to the Earl.

“Your lordship is greatly to be congratulated,” he said warmly.

But the Earl plainly had no intention of showing his feelings on
the subject.

‘“He 1s like his father,” he said rather gruffly. ‘ Let us hope
he Il conduct himself more creditably." And then he added: " Well,

what is it this morning, Mordaunt? Who is in trouble now?”