course it would nt do to give her so much trouble. I can take my
bath, too, pretty well if you ‘ll just be kind enough to ’zamine the
corners after I ’m done.” |
* Dawson and the housekeeper exchanged glances.
‘ Dawson will do anything you ask her to,” said Mrs. Mellon.
“That I will, bless him,” said Dawson, in her comforting, good¬
humored voice. " He shall dress himself if he likes, and I 1] stand
by, ready to help him if he wants me.”
‘Thank you,” responded Lord Fauntleroy; "its a little hard
sometimes about the buttons, you know, and then I have to ask
somebody. ©
He thought Dawson a very kind woman, and before the bath
and the dressing were finished they were excellent friends, and he
had found out a great deal about her. He had discovered that her
husband had been a soldier and had been killed in a real battle, and
that her son was a sailor, and was away on a long cruise, and that
he had seen pirates and cannibals and Chinese people and Turks,
and that he brought home strange shells and pieces of coral which
Dawson was ready to show at any moment, some of them being in
her trunk. All this was very interesting. He also found out that
she had taken care of little children all her life, and that she had just
come from a great house in another part of England, where she had
been taking care of a beautiful little girl whose name was Lady
Gwyneth Vaughn.
“And she is a sort of relation of your lordship’s,” said Dawson.
‘“And perhaps sometime you may see her.”
‘Do you think I shall?” said Fauntleroy. ‘I should like that.
I never knew any little girls, but I always like to look at them.”
When he went into the adjoining room to take his breakfast, and
saw what a great room it was, and found there was another adjoin¬
ing it which Dawson told him was his also, the feeling that he was