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well, had watched it with secret interest. Dougal was not a dog
whose habit it was to make acguaintances rashly, and the Earl won¬
dered somewhat to see how quietly the brute sat under the touch of
the childish hand. And, just at this moment, the big dog gave little
Lord Fauntleroy one more look of dignified scrutiny, and deliberately
laid its huge, lion-like head on the boy’s black-velvet knee.

The small hand went on stroking this new friend as Cedric

answered: —

(c Well, there was Dick,” he said. " You’d like Dick, he’s so

This was an Americanism the Earl was not prepared for.

‘What does that mean?” he inquired.

Lord Fauntleroy paused a moment to reflect. He was not very
sure himself whatit meant. He had taken it for granted as meaning
something very creditable because Dick had been fond cf using it.

“| think it means that he would n't cheat any one,” he exclaimed;
‘or hit a boy who was under his size, and that he blacks peoples
boots very well and makes them shine as much as he can. He’sa
perfessional bootblack.”

‘And he’s one of your acquaintances, is he?” said the Earl.

‘He is an old friend of mine,” replied his grandson. ‘ Not quite
as old as Mr. Hobbs, but quite old. He gave me a present just
before the ship sailed.”

He put his hand into his pocket and drew forth a neatly folded
red object and opened it with an air of affectionate pride. It was ©
the red silk handkerchief with the large purple horse-shoes and
heads on it.

‘He gave me this,” said his young lordship. ‘I shall keep it
always. You can wear it round your neck or keep it in your pocket.
He bought it with the first money he earned after I bought Jake out
and gave him the new brushes. It ’s a keepsake. I put some