OCR Output


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But there was no more fear in little Lord Fauntleroy’s heart
than there was unkindness — he had been a brave little fellow all his
life. He put his hand on the big dogs collar in the most natural
way in the world, and they strayed forward together, Dougal sniffing
as he went.

And then the Earl looked up. What Cedric saw was a large
old man with shaggy white hair and eyebrows, and a nose like an
eagle’s beak between his deep, fierce eyes. What the Earl saw was
a graceful, childish figure in a black velvet suit, with a lace collar,
and with love-locks waving about the handsome, manly little face,
whose eyes met his with a look of innocent good-fellowship. If the
Castle was like the palace in a fairy story, it must be cwned that little
Lord Fauntleroy was himself rather like a small copy cf the fairy
prince, though he was not at all aware of the fact, and perhaps was
rather a sturdy young model of a fairy. But there was a sudden
slow of triumph and exultation in the fiery old Earl’s heart as he
saw what a strong, beautiful boy this grandson was, and how unhesi¬
tatingly he looked up as he stood with his hand on the big dog’s
neck. It pleased the grim old nobleman that the child should show
no shyness or fear, either of the dog or of himself.

Cedric looked at him just as he had looked at the woman at the
lodge and at the housekeeper, and came quite close to him.

“Are you the Earl?” he said. ‘I’m your grandson, you know,
that Mr. Havisnam brought. I’m Lord Fauntleroy.”

He held out his hand because he thought It must be the polite and
proper thing to do even with earls. "1 hope you are very well,” he
continued, with the utmost friendliness. "I m very glad to see you.”

The Earl shook hands with him, with a curious gleam in his
eyes; just at first, he was so astonished that he scarcely knew what
to say. He stared at the picturesque little apparition from under his
shaggy brows, and took it all in from head to foot.