OCR Output


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three were crying and touching their eyes with their handkerchiefs.
Cedric found something to interest him on every side; he looked at
the piles of rope, at the furled sails, at the tall, tall masts which
seemed almost to touch the hot blue sky; he began to make plans
for conversing with the sailors and gaining some information cn the
subject of pirates.

It was just at the very last, when he was standing leaning on
the railing of the upper deck and watching the final preparations,
enjoying the excitement and the shouts of the sailors and wharfmen,
that his attention was called to a slight bustle in one of the groups
not far from him. Some one was hurriedly forcing his way through
this group and coming toward him, It was a boy, with something
red in his hand. It was Dick. He came up to Cedric quite

‘“T ve run all the way, he said. ‘I ve come down to see ye off.
Trade s been prime! I bought this for ye out o, what I made
yesterday. Ye kin wear it when ye get among the swells. I lost
the paper when I was tryin’ to get through them fellers downstairs.
They did nt want to let me up. It’s a hankercher.”

He poured it all forth as if in one sentence. A bell rang, and
he made a leap away before Cedric had time to speak.

“Good-bye!” he panted. " Wear it when ye get among the
swells.” And he darted off and was gone.

A few seconds later they saw him struggle through the crowd
on the lower deck, and rush on shore just before the gang-plank was
drawn in. He stood on the wharf and waved his cap.

Cedric held the handkerchief in his hand. It was of bright red
silk ornamented with purple horseshoes and horses’ heads.

There was a great straining and creaking and confusion. The
people on the wharf began to shout to their friends, and the people
on the steamer shouted back: