OCR Output


when I fell down and cut my knee, she gave me an apple fcr noth¬
ing. I’ve always remembered her for it. You know you always
remember people who are kind to you.”

It had never occurred to his honest, simple little mind that there
were people who could forget

The interview with Dick
was quite exciting. Dick had
just been having a great deal of
trouble with Jake, and was in
low spirits when they saw him.
His amazement when Cedric
calmly announced that they had
come to give him what seemed a
very great thing to him, and would
set all his troubles right, almost
struck him dumb. Lord Faunt¬
leroy’s manner of announcing
the object of his visit was very
simple and unceremonious. Mr.

Havisham was much impressed
by its directness as he stood by
and listened. The statement that
his old friend had become a lord,
and was in danger of being an
earl if he lived long enough,
caused Dick to so open his eyes
and mouth, and start, that his
cap fell off. When he picked
it up, he uttered a rather singular exclamation. Mr. Havisham
thought it singular, but Cedric had heard it before.