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increased greatly during the next week. It seemed almost
impossible for him to realize that there was scarcely anything
he might wish to do which he could not do easily; in fact, I think it
may be said that he did not fully realize it at all. But at least he
understood, after a few conversations with Mr. Havisham, that he
could gratify all his nearest wishes, and he proceeded to gratify
them with a simplicity and delight which caused Mr. Havisham much
diversion. In the week before they sailed for England he did many
curious things. The lawyer long after remembered the morning
they went down-town together to pay a visit to Dick, and the after¬
noon they so amazed the apple-woman of ancient lineage by stop¬
ping before her stail and telling her she was to have a tent, and a
stove, and a shawl, and a sum of money which seemed to her quite

“For I have to go to England and be a lord,” explained Cedric,
sweet-temperedly. ‘And I should nt like to have your bones on
my mind every time it rained. My own bones never hurt, so I think
I don't know how painful a persons bones can be, but I "ve sympa¬
thized with you a great deal, and I hope you’ll be better.”

“She s a very good apple-woman,” he said to Mr. Havisham, as

they walked away, leaving the proprietress of the stall almost gasp¬
ing for breath, and not at all believing in her great fortune. " Once,


(vere good opinion of the advantages of being an earl