But Cedric relieved him by suddenly beginning the conversation
‘“Do you know, he said, "I don’t know what an earl is?”
‘Don't you?” said Mr. Havisham.
:" No," replied Ceddie. "And I think when a boy is going to be
one, he ought to know. Don’t you?”
‘* Well—yes,” answered Mr. Havisham.
‘“ Would you mind,” said Ceddie respectfully —‘‘ would you mind
‘splaining it to me?” (Sometimes when he used his long words he
did not pronounce them quite correctly.) " What made him an
"A king or queen, in the first place,” said Mr. Havisham.
‘Generally, he is made an earl because he has done some service to
his sovereign, or some great deed.”
“Oh!” said Cedric; " that ss like the President.”
“Ts it?” said Mr. Havisham. ‘Is that why your presidents are
elected ?”’
‘“ Yes,” answered Ceddie cheerfully. ‘‘ When a man is very good
and knows a great deal, he is elected president. [hey have torch¬
light processions and bands, and everybody makes speeches. I used
to think I might perhaps be a president, but I never thought of being
an earl. I did nt know about earls,” he said, rather hastily, lest Mr.
Havisham might feel it impolite in him not to have wished to be
one —" if I’d known about them, I dare say I should have thought
I should like to be one.’
‘It is rather different from being a president,” said Mr. Havisham.
“Is it?” asked Cedric. ‘‘How? Are there no torch-light
processions ? ”
Mr. Havisham crossed his own legs and put the tips of his
fingers carefully together. He thought perhaps the time had come
to explain matters rather more clearly. |