that his son should know the beautiful old places, and be brought
up in such a way as would be suitable to his future position.”
Then she came back to the table and stood looking up at Mr.
Havisham very gently.
‘“My husband would wish it,’ she said. ‘It will be best for my
little boy. [I know—I am sure the Earl would not be so unkind as
to try to teach him not to love me; and I know—even if he
tried—that my little boy is too much like his father to be harmed.
He has a warm, faithful nature, and a true heart. He would love
me even if he did not see me; and so long as we may see each
other, I ought not to suffer very much.”
“She thinks very little of herself,” the lawyer thought. “She
does not make any terms for herself.”
‘“Madam,” he said aloud, " I respect your consideration for your
son. He will thank you for it when he is a man. | assure you
Lord Fauntleroy will be most carefully guarded, and every effort
will be used to insure his happiness. The Earl of Dorincourt
will be as anxious for his comfort and well-being as you youre
could be.”
‘“T hope,” said the tender little mother, in a rather broken voice,
‘that his grandfather will love Ceddie. The little boy has a very
affectionate nature; and he has always been loved.”
Mr. Havisham cleared his throat again. He could not quite
imagine the gouty, fiery-tempered old Earl loving any one very
much; but he knew it would be to his interest to be kind, in his
irritable way, to the child who was to be his heir. He knew, too,
that if Ceddie were at all a credit to his name, his grandfather would
be proud of him.
‘Lord Fauntleroy will be comfortable, | am sure,” he replied.
‘It was with a view to his happiness that the Earl desired that you
should be near enough to him to see him frequently.”