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Jerry narrates some of his Adventures.
The big cat was purring in drowsy content ; she liked the caressing
touch of the kind little hand.
The gates were opened by a woman and two children who came out
of a pretty tvy-covered lodge.
‘* Just lean on me, said little Lord Fauntleroy. 1 H walk very
Lord Fauntleroy writes a letter.
Here lyeth ve bodye of Gregorye Arthure Fyrst Earle of Dorin¬
court Allsoe of Alisone Hildegarde hys wyfe.
"1! ve a great deal to thank your Lordship for," said Higgins.
Wilkins was carrying his hat for him, and bis hair was flying, but
he came back at a brisk canter.
‘* Up the lad has to get, and my Lord trudges alongside of him with
his bands tn his pockets.”’
The workmen liked to see him stand among them, talking away,
with bis hands in bis pockets.
“« 1 was thinking bow beautiful you are,” said Lord Fauntleroy.