The owl flew off, and led Bo-Peep into the wood, and said,
ec Sleep, maiden, I will watch.” How long she was asleep
she could not tell, but the charmed spot was suddenly
lighted up, and she saw the Queen of the Fairies seated on
a bank. The Queen said the sheep should be punished for
running away. She then saw all her sheep come trooping
into the place, and on every sheep there was an Elf, who
held in his hand a sheep’s tail. After riding them about
for some time, and having great fun with them, the mad
sport ceased, and each Elf restored the tail to his sheep —
all but the Bell-wether’s, which their leader hid in a tree.
When Bo-Peep awoke, she saw the owl flapping its wings
as if to remind her of her promise; so she fetched the tail,
and waved it three times over its head, when up started the
most charming Princess that ever was seen. ‘he princess
gave Bo-Peep a beautiful cottage, and her sheep never ran
away from their kind mistress again.