OCR Output


Finding Litile Bo-Peep asleep, the tiresome fellow began
py standing on his hind legs and making a great bow to his
shadow before him on the grass.. After this he whirled
himself round like a top, shaking his head all the time, and
ringing his bell.

Very soon the rest of the flock began to dance and caper
too. And when they had wheeled round their leader for a
time, they ran off after him with a bound into the wood.
Away they went, till they were quite tired out; and then they
came to a stand-still, staring at their leader with very blank
faces. But the Bell-wether looked foolish enough now, and
did nothing but shake his head slowly and ring his bell, which
seemed to say quite clearly, " You are lost, you are lost!”

When Little Bo-Peep awoke she found her sheep gone,
and hardly knowing what she did, she walked on and on, far
into the wood. She met some people with hoes and rakes
in their hands, and asked them if they had seen her sheep.
But they only laughed at her, and said, No. One man was
very cross, and threatened to beat her. At last she came to
a stile, on which an old Raven was perched. He looked so
wise that Little Bo-Peep asked him whether he had seen a
flock of sheep. but he only cried, “ Caw, caw, caw;” so
Bo-Peep ran on again across the fields.

She wandered on till night-fall, and being faint with hun¬
ger, was very glad to see a light just before her. As she
went on, she saw that it shone from a cottage window. But

when she came to the door, it looked so dark and dismal that
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