OCR Output


Yet this fact did not prevent the formation of vertical
streaks. If the strongly illuminated portions of the
little waves are closely examined in the original
photograph, they are found each to consist of a num¬

ber of minute spots of light, which no doubt repre¬
sent surfaces turned towards the sun.

The experiment
described above also
shows how, when the
ripples are very re¬
ocular and travelling
obliguely to the di¬
rection of sight, the
streaks formed by
reflexion, instead of
being vertical, may
slope a little to one
side or the other.
But it will be noticed
that the streak in

Pig 370 is oaly ——-——— siete :

slightly inclined, and Fig. 17c. Glass turned through a right
is far from having angle from its first position.
reached a position

(viz., PQ) at right angles to the lines of grease. In
nature this effect, except on the surfaces of the nearer
waves, is so unusual and inconsiderable, that in a
picture it might give an appearance of careless draw¬
ing. In the foreground, however, we sometimes get
strange effects of distortion or bending of the image,
as, for instance, in the smooth waves in the wash of.

a boat moving through calm water.