house takes a very different position with respect to
them in the reflexion from that which it occupies in
the direct view. Fig. 7 affords a further instance of this
difference, and here will at once be noted the change
in the relative positions of the roofs and gables. In
the reflexion the smaller cottage to the right rises
up and half covers the tower on the barn behind,
whilst the tops of the poplars barely appear above
the highest roof.
Of the two sketches that follow (Figs. 8a and 8b),
the first is possible, the second impossible. In the
centre of each are seen, amongst other trees, some
poplars close to the opposite bank, and in the distance
behind them a wooded height. These are all reflected
in the still water; and it will be evident from what
has been said above that in the reflexion in the lower
sketch (Fig. 8b) the distant height is drawn too tall as
compared with the poplars in front of it, which should