How different from all those fools who had not recognized
a prince under a domino at the first moment by his wit!
He rose suddenly to quit the hall, when he perceived,
a little way off, a mask that had alsu left the crowd and
seemed lost in contemplation. A half-open domino dis¬
closed a gipsy’s dress and a pair of slippers with buckles,
containing a foot smaller than that of Cinderella.
The king approached the stranger, and saw through the
velvet mask a pair of large black eyes, the melancholy
glance of which surprised and charmed him.
" Fair mask, said he, "your place is not here. Why are
you not among the eager and curious crowd that Is pressing
around the prince to dispute his smile and heart? Do you
not know that there is a crown to be gained there?"
"I make no pretentions,’ answered the domino, in a
grave, sweet voice. " In this game of chance one runs the
risk of taking the servant for the king. I am too proud to
expose myself to such a hazard.”
" But if I show you the prince?"
- What could I say to him?” replied the stranger. "I
could not blame him without offense, or praise him with¬
out flattery.”
“You think much evil of him, then?”
c No, a little evil and much good; but what does it mat¬
ter?" And, opening her fan, the domino relapsed into her