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his whole affections on his son and heir, who was the most
beautiful child imaginable. His complexion was as fresh as
a rose; his beautiful hair fell in golden curls on his shoul¬
ders; add to his clear blue eyes a straight nose, a small
mouth, and a dimpled chin, and you have the portrait of a
cherub. At twelve years of age this young marvel danced
enchantingly, rode like a riding-master, and fenced to per¬
fection. No one could have helped being won by his smile
and the truly royal manner in which he saluted the crowd
in passing when he was in good humor. For this reason, the
voice of the people, which is never mistaken, had christened
him Prince Charming, and his name always clung to him.
Charming was as beautiful as the day; but the sun itself,
it is said, has spots, and the princes do not disdain to
resemble the sun. The child dazzled the court with his
fine mien; but there were shadows here and there which
did not escape the piercing eye of love or envy. Supple,
agile, and adriot in all kinds of bodily exercises, Charming
had an indolent mind. He lacked application, and had
taken a fancy that he ought to know everything without
studying. It is true that governesses, courtiers, and ser¬
vants had continually repeated to him that work was not
made for kings, and that a prince always knows enough
when he lavishes on poets, writers, and artists, with a prod¬
igal and disdainful hand, a little of the money which the

people are too happy to offer him.