OCR Output


" What did I dream, mamma? I dreamed that a noble¬
man came here for me in a copper coach, and that he put a
ring on my finger set with a stone that sparkled like the
stars. And when I entered the church the people had
eyes for no one but the blessed Virgin and me."

" My daughter, my daughter, that was a proud dream!”
said the mother, shaking her head. But Marienka went
out singing.

The same day a wagon entered the yard. A handsome
young farmer in good circumstances came to ask Marienka
to share a peasant’s bread with him. The mother was
pleased with the suitor, but the proud Marienka refused him,
saying, " Though you should come in a copper coach, and
put a ring on my finger set with a stone that sparkled like
the stars, I would not have you for a husband.” And the
farmer went away storming at Marienka’s pride.

The next night the mother waked, took her beads, and
prayed still more earnestly for her daughter, when, behold!
Marienka laughed again as she was sleeping.

"1 wonder what she is dreaming,” said the mother, who
prayed, unable to sleep.

" My dear child,” she said the next morning, "what did
you dream last night that you laughed aloud?”’

" What did I dream, mamma? I dreamed that a noble¬
man came here for me in a silver coach, and that he offered

me a golden diadem. And when I entered the church the