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a few late pinks, daisies, and immortelles. Dobrunka
saw but one thing, an apple-tree with its rosy fruit.

“Make haste, my child; shake the tree,” said September.

She shook it, and an apple fell; she shook it again, and a
second apple followed.

“Make haste, Dobrunka, make haste home!” cried Sep¬
tember, in an imperious voice.

The good child thanked the Twelve Months, and joyfully
ran home. You may imagine the astonishment of Katinka
and the stepmother.

“Red apples in January! Where did you get these
apples?”’ asked Katinka.

‘Up yonder on the mountain; there is a tree there that
is as red with them as a cherry-tree in July.”

"Why did you bring only two? You ate the rest on the

“Oh, sister, I did not touch them; I was only permitted
to shake the tree twice, and but two apples fell."

“Begone, you fool!" cried Katinka, striking her sister,
who ran away crying.

The wicked girl tasted one of the apples; she had
never eaten anything so delicious in her life, neither
had her mother. How they regretted not having any

“Mother,” said Katinka, “give me my fur cloak. I

will go to the forest and find the tree, and whether I am