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daughter by the name of Miliza, who is as fortunate as her
father. Take her for your wife when you return home,
but be careful always to say that all that you have belongs
to her."

The poor man thanked Destiny again and again, and set
out for home. As soon as he arrived he went straight to
his brother’s house and said,

“Brother, give me Miliza for a wife; you see that I am all
alone in the world."

“T am willing,” answered his brother; “ Miliza is yours.”

The bridegroom carried Miliza to his house. He soon
became very rich, but he always took good care to say,
“All that I have belongs to Miliza.”’

One day, however, as he was admiring his wheat, which
was the most beautiful that ever was seen, a stranger passed
by and asked, " Whose wheat is this?"

“Tt is mine," answered he, without thinking. But
scarcely had he spoken when, behold! the wheat took fire,
and the flames spread all over the field. Without stopping
to put it out, he ran after the traveler, crying, "Stop,
sir, I was mistaken; it belongs to Miliza, my brothers
daughter." ü

The fire went out at once of its own accord. He had
learned a good lesson which he never forgot, and from that
time thenceforth he was fortunate, thanks to Miliza.