" Who are you, then,” asked he, "that would have pre¬
vented my having these shoes?"
"1 am your fortune,” answered the old woman.
“What! are you my fortune?” cried he, striking his
breast. “May God exterminate you! Who gave you to
‘It was Destiny,” replied the old woman.
‘Where is Destiny?" he asked.
“Go and find him," said the old woman, lying down to
sleep again.
He set out in search of Destiny. After a long, long jour¬
ney, at length he reached a wood, where he found a hermit,
of whom he asked the way to the abode of Destiny.
‘Go straight up yonder mountain and you will find his
castle,” answered the hermit; "but when you find him take
care not to speak to him, but only do all that you see him
The traveler thanked the hermit and took his way to
the mountain. When he reached the abode of Destiny
he saw a magnificent palace full of servants constantly
bustling about and doing nothing. As to Destiny, he was
supping at a table bountifully served. When the stranger
saw this he also sat down at the table and supped with the
master of the house. After supper Destiny went to bed,
and his guest did the same.