OCR Output


Graceful rose sadly to resume his journey, and asked
what were those reddish square towers which he saw in
the distance.

“They are the Vermilion Towers,” returned the bull;
“they bar the way; and you must pass through the castle
of the Fairy Crapaudine in order to continue your road.
You will see the fairy, my young friend, and she will
offer you hospitality and riches. Take my advice and
do like those that have gone before you, all of whom
accepted the favors of our mistress, and found that they
had done well to abandon their dreams in order to live

“And what became of them?" asked Graceful.

“They became buffaloes like us,” rejoined the bull, who,
not having finished his afternoon nap, closed his eyes and
fell asleep.

Graceful started and awakened Fido, who rose, grumbling.
He called Pensive. Pensive did not answer; she was talk¬
ing with a spider that had spun a great web between the
branches of an ash-tree, which was glittering in the sun, full
of flies. "Why take this long journey?" said the spider to
the swallow. "What is the use of changing your climate
and putting your life at the mercy of the sea, the weather,
or a master? Look at me; I depend on nobody, and have
everything for myself. I am my own mistress; I enjoy
my art and genius; I bring the world to me; nothing can