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butterfly was suffocated. Graceful vainly endeavored to
recall him to life; then, bemoaning his fate, he fastened him
with a pin to his hat like a cockade.

Toward noon the grasshoppers stopped in turn. "Let us
rest,” said they; "the heat will overpower us if we struggle
against the noonday sun. It is so pleasant to live in sweet
repose! Come, Graceful, we will divert you and you shall
sing with us.”

“Listen to them,” said Pensive; "they sing so sweetly!”’
But Fido would not stop; his blood seemed on fire, and he
barked so furiously that Graceful forgot the grasshoppers
to follow his importunate companion.

At evening Graceful met the honey-bee loaded with booty.
“Where are you going?" said he.

“T am returning home,” said the bee; “I shall not quit
my hive.”

“What!” rejoined Graceful; “‘industrious as you are, will
you do like the grasshoppers and renounce your share In

‘Your castle is too far off,’ returned the bee. "I have
not your ambition. My daily labor suffices for me; I care
nothing for your travels; to me work 1s life.”

Graceful was a little moved at losing so many of his
fellow-travelers on the first day; but when he thought
with what ease he had accomplished the first day’s journey

his heart was filled with joy. He caressed Fido, caught