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the old woman, “not wishing to show them to you till you
were a man and able to make use of them; but since
death is about to separate us, the moment has come to give
you these precious talismans. You will find at the back
of the cupboard a wooden chest hidden under some rags;
in the chest is a little pasteboard box, wound about with
tow; open this box and you will find the scale and the
feather carefully wrapped in cotton. Take care not to
break them; handle them respectfully, and I will tell you
what next to do."

Graceful brought the box to the poor woman, who was
no longer able to quit her pallet, and she herself took from
it the two articles.

"Now," said she, giving them to her grandson, "put a
bowlful of water in the middle of the room; place the scale
and the feather in the water, and make a wish—wish for
fortune, nobility, wit, power, whatever you please; only,
as I feel that I am dying, kiss me once more, my child,
before speaking the words that will separate us forever,
and receive my last blessing; it will be another talisman
to bring you happiness.”

But, to the old woman’s surprise, Graceful did not come
near her, either to kiss her or to receive her blessing. He
quickly placed the bowl in the middle of the room, threw
the feather and scale into the water, and shouted at the
top of his voice, “Appear, Fairy of the Waters! I wish