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PAA BO. NCE upon a time there lived at Salerno

= TÉZESZS a poor old woman who earned her
bread by fishing, and whose only comfort and stay
in life was her grandson, a boy twelve years of age,
whose father had been drowned in a storm and whose
mother had died of grief. Graceful, for this was the
child’s name, loved nobody in the world but his grand¬
mother; he followed her to the shore every morning
before daybreak to pick up the shell-fish or draw the
net to the beach, longing for the time when he should
be strong enough to go to sea himself and brave the
waves that had swallowed up all his kindred. He was
so handsome, so well made, and so promising, that no
sooner had he entered the town with his basket of fish
on his head than every one ran after him, and he sold the

whole before he reached the market.