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me for a husband this very instant, I will arrest you, and
before night, perhaps, a witch will be burned before Kerver

‘You are very amiable,” said Finette, with a charming
grimace; "you have a peculiar way of paying court to ladies.
Even when they have decided not to refuse, a gallant man
spares their blushes.”’

"We Bretons are plain-spoken people,” replied the stew¬
ard; "we go straight to the pomt. Marriage or prison,
which do you choose?”

"Oh!" cried Finette, laying down the distaff, "there are
the firebrands falling all over the room."

‘Don’t trouble yourself,” said the steward; "I will pick
them up."

"Lay them carefully on the top of the ashes,” returned
Finette. "Have you the tongs?”

“Yes,” said the steward, picking up the crackling coals.

‘ Abracadabra!” cried Finette, rising. " Villain, may the
tongs hold you, and may you hold the tongs till sunset!”

No sooner said than done. The wicked steward stood
there all day with the tongs in his hand, picking up and
throwing back the burning coals that snapped in his face
and the hot ashes that flew into his eyes. It was useless
for him to shout, pray, weep, and blaspheme; no one
heard him. If Finette had stayed at home, she would

doubtless have taken pity on him; but after putting the