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And behold, the earth cracked apart with a terrific noise,
and an enormous fissure, a bottomless pit, stopped the giant
just as he was stretching out his hand to seize his prey.

“Let us fly!” cried Finette, grasping the arm of Yvon,
who was gazing at the giant with a swaggering air, defying
him to come on.

The giant ran backward and forward along the abyss, like
a bear in his cage, seeking a passage everywhere and finding
none; then, with a furious jerk, he tore up an Immense oak
by the roots and flung it across the gap. The branches of
the oak nearly crushed the children as it fell. The giant
seated himself astride the huge tree, which bent under his
weight, and crept slowly along, suspended between heaven
and earth, entangled as he was among the branches. When
he reached the other side, Yvon and Finette were already
on the shore, with the sea rolling before them.

Alas! there was neither bark nor ship. The fugitives
were lost. Yvon, always brave, picked up stones to attack
the giant and to sell his life dearly. Finette, trembling
with fear, threw one of the silver bullets into the sea, saying,

“Silver bullet, bright and pliant,
Save us from this frightful giant.”

Searcely had she spoken the magic words when a beautiful
ship rose from the waves like a swan spreading its white

wings. Yvon and Finette plunged into the sea; a rope