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There was no answer. The giant, furious, sprang out of
bed, seized a ladle, which looked like a caldron with a pitch¬
fork for a handle, and plunged it into the pot to taste the

" Finette! " howled he, "you haven’t salted it. What
sort of soup is this? I see neither meat nor vegetables.”’

No; but, in return, he saw his carpet, which had not
quite all boiled to pieces. At this sight he fell into such a
fit of rage that he could not keep his feet.

Villains!” said he, "you have played a fine trick on me;
but you shall pay for it.”

He rushed out with a stick in his hand, and strode along
at such a rate that in a quarter of an hour he discovered the
two fugitives still far from the seashore. He uttered such
a cry of joy that the earth shook for twelve leagues around.

Finette stopped, trembling. Yvon clasped her to his

““On—the Kerver!” said he; "the sea is not far off; we
shall be there before our enemy."

" Here he is! here he is!” cried Finette, pointing to the
giant not a hundred yards off; "we are lost if this charm
does not save us."

She took the copper bullet and threw it on the ground,

“Copper bullet, save us, pray;

Stop the giant on his way.”