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from one spot to another, hacked everything in pieces, furni¬
ture, looking-glasses, benches, table, and the very walls of his
house, and yet did not touch the sparrow.

At last he caught and held him in his hand.

“ Now,” said his wife, " shall I not kill him P”

“No!” cried he, "that were too easy a death; I will
swallow him,” and as the bird was fluttering in the man’s
mouth, it stretched out its head, saying,

“ Waggoner, it shall cost thee thy life !”

Then the waggoner reached the axe to his wife saying,

“ Wife, strike me this bird dead.”

The wife struck, but missed her aim, and the blow fell on
the waggoner’s head, and he dropped down dead.

But the sparrow flew over the hills and away.