ng Pee: d Se tent sé LÉ É ay ORSI RSM RAAT Ne eR OIA. St tet ASS at a
ve abs 4 aaa so. ne a eet ON Mage mgt gi eT közép ő ars Hig ee, eee eee) Dae 4 See eR
Baty. 16 JÉ “4 .
Ser ín ety ág Ae
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ae mores a. this. fone. te: oe Was a kibe we
ar Sa ed abthe back Of his.castle a bea
a are sz te which me
as 5g iat, bore: golden. applies ” As 2
s; zpples ripsencik they wete sountes, bq
ae ee Moning one Was “Missitey. egy kő
aes he. king wras angry, end he orden
ee sz ak waich'<shbuld be: Kept. about th
Beg aca eet iw Tee every night .. Now: the gőg a |
Se three sons; ane té sta the eldest to spend the whole aig@
geo) Ie Phe garden: sa ke watched: tal padeght, and tien
pees, “nop Ree off sive: no longer and nr the moving anoted
Peta ss apple Wiha ESÉSE, HÉ second 460 had to wetch, ihe a fit
a2 AR might; But at fered tos Detter, for whe twelve o'clock: Hz
fend ee He wet to. sleet, aah Mic the momang atiother átal
3 ő By: - WHISBINE. Roe eine 1 thie $0 #4 Ni trie túra ‘SAS ES watt :
éz ster he wae rek eg Deve 5 but the Ring had fess wust in 43
Szo amd believod hw woud. szált himself’ suk worse than hi
‘os . - beotaars; Dut in the eed he consented: to pei hun try. Bo ei
a Lene tan day Agen ‘nner phe ített to watch. and Tess a
Bo TROL, BRED shogid: Te pe: thestes, Mien HE oem tál
Bere something CRAG. ay throne cei tire fr, sod: he saw ni sa
éz Soe pots. «| mace had peace ppor ! tc ice, oad | het ae i a
‘Sua — or Re Appice, whet ee youn: mis. Hee By
ieee Ha ari few PAY, ; bot tee toe. he “ wreck B
ea a eh Maatoors felt ‘te i ic prensa
eee 2 ie Snel hex mi ‘poral _: