built themselves a fine house with their silver and gold, anc
lived in clover. He went to see them, but because he wore ;
half-worn-out coat, a shabby hat, and the old knapsack on hi
back, they would not recognise him as their brother. The
mocked him and said,
“Tt is of no use your giving yourself out to be our brother
he who scorned silver and gold, seeking for better fortune
will return in great splendour, as a mighty king, not as ;
beggar-man.” And they drove him from their door. Ther
he flew into a great rage, and struck upon his knapsack unti
a hundred and fifty men stood before him, rank and file. Hi
ordered them to surround his brothers’ house, and that two o:
them should take hazel-rods, and should beat the brother
until they knew who he was. And there arose a terrible noise
the people ran together and wished to rescue the brothers it
their extremity, but they could do nothing against the soldiers
It happened at last that the king of the country heard of it
and he was indignant, and sent a captain with his troops te
drive the disturber of the peace out of the town: but the mar
with his knapsack soon assembled a greater company, wht
beat back the captain and his people, sending them off witl
bleeding noses. ‘Then the king said, |
‘This vagabond fellow must be put down,” and he sen
the next day a larger company against him, but they could dé
nothing: for he assembled more men than ever, and in orde
to bring them more quickly, he pulled his hat twice lowe
over his brows; then the heavy guns came into play, and thi
king’s people were beaten and put to flight. |
“Now,” said he, "I shall not make peace until the kin;
gives me his daughter to wife, and lets me rule the whol
kingdom in his name.’
This he caused to be told to the king, who said to hii
“This is a hard nut to crack; there is no choice but fo
me to do as he asks; if I wish to have peace and keep 2
crown on my head, I must give in to him,” |
So the wedding took place, but the king’s daughter wa
angry that the bridegroom should be a common man, wht
wore a shabby hat, and carried an old knapsack. She wishec
very much to get rid of him, and thought day and night hov