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But the maiden made up her mind to set her brothers free,
even though it should cost her her life. She left the hut, and
going into the middle of the wood, she climbed a tree, and
there passed the night. ‘The next morning she set to work
and gathered asters and began sewing them together: as for

“Who art thou?” But she gave no answer. ‘Come down,”

answered nothing. He spoke to her in all the languages he

Then he caused rich clothing to be put upon her, and her
beauty shone as bright as the morning, but no word would she

and gentle mien so pleased him, that he said,
“This maiden I choose for wife, and no other in all the
world,” and accordingly after a few days they were married.
But the king had a wicked mother, who was displeased
with the marriage, and spoke ill of the young queen.
“Who knows where the maid can have come from?” said