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HE elves once took a child away from its
mother, and left in its place a change¬
ling with a big head and staring eyes,
who did nothing but eat and drink. The
mother in her trouble went to her neigh.
bours and asked their advice, ‘The
neighbours told her to take the change.
ling into the kitchen and put it near the
hearth, and then to make up the fire.

and boil water in two egg-shells; that would make the
changeling laugh, and if he laughed, it would be all over with
him, So the woman did as her neighbours advised. Anc
when. she set the egg-shells of water on the fire, the change
ling said,

‘* Though old I be

As forest tree,
Cooking in an egg-shell never did I see


and began to laugh. And directly there came in a crowd 0
elves bringing in the right child; and they laid it near th
hearth, and carried the changeling away with them.