“Then come home,” said the youth; and he took her to
her stall, and fastened her up.
“ Now,” said the old tailor, " has the goat had her proper
food ?”
6 Oh,” answered the son, "she is so full, she no more can
But the tailor, not trusting his word, went to the goat and
(6 My dear goat, are you really full?” The malicious ani¬
mal answered,
‘¢ How can I be full?
There was nothing to pull,
Though I looked all about me—ba! baa!”’
‘‘ Oh, the wretches!” cried the tailor. " The one as good¬
for-nothing and careless as the other. I will no longer have
such fools about me;” and rushing back, in his wrath he laid
about him with his yard-wand, and belaboured his son’s back
so unmercifully that he ran away out of the house.
So the old tailor was left alone with the goat. The next
day he went out to the stall, and let out the goat, saying,
“Come, my dear creature, I will take you myself to the
So he led her by the string, and brought her to the green
hedges and pastures where there was plenty of food to her
taste, and saying to her,
“ Now, for once, you can eat to your hearts content,”
he left her there till the evening. ‘Then he returned, and
“Well, goat, are you full? ”
She answered,
**T am so full,
I could not pull,
Another blade of grass—ba! baa ! ’?
“Then come home,” said the tailor, and leading her to
her stall, he fastened her up.
Before he left her he turned once more, saying,
* Now then, for once you are full.” But the goat actually