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NE day, Hans’s mother said,
‘“Where are you going, Hans?”
Hans answered,
c [o Grethel’s, mother.”
‘* Manage well, Hans.”
“All right! Good-bye, mother.”
‘“ Good-bye, Hans.”
Then Hans came to Grethel’s.
" Good morning, Grethel.”
‘Good morning, Hans. What have you brought me to¬
day ?"
‘““T have brought nothing, but I want something.”
So Grethel gave Hans a needle; and then he said,
‘Good-bye, Grethel,” and she said, " Good-bye, Hans.”
Hans carried the needle away with him, and stuck it in a
hay-cart that was going along, and he followed it home.
‘Good evening, mother.”
“Good evening, Hans. Where have you been?”
“To Grethel’s, mother.”
‘‘ What did you take her?”
“T took nothing, but I brought away something.”
“What did Grethel give you?”
6 A needle, mother.” .
‘What did you do with it, Hans?”
c Stuck it in the hay-cart.”
“That was very stupid of you, Hans. You should have

stuck it in your sleeve.”
“ All right, mother! III do better next time.”