OCR Output

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Re wi her os daughter, she loved aE
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drüdor of the house.” “Every. bad
3 poor aa Had tot bya sz ond a
3 rag ye and szín anil her” fing |
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& dipped i tare ths well td wish Er bel it slipped © = 3
3 sag bánd an! fei ké 3 eee ee. i rar: TS ory, ang E ae 8

Her Menace, ae" Set te tof oe ried acne ¢ and ker

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| “The su oe ga 4 sző batt agems to the well; hat nom i
ye... hat to de. and as — dosrai ef her Beart she. jumped ¢

ee = 0 the well ri pete’ das Hie széke ind gone, Afvor
Po: She kG nab ; pie whet. she Rein nO Herself she a
WA a + bent meddo, : AS Cis ÉT Wet ins mie or the -0G éj |
ti San iat ICE: “yourd the ÉT; ES j ore. wart e ey 31 ae pial

ek nae Meacow aie tee CASH: ta. & Haktes GS that ER bi : ite 1
| break: arva the bread cadledi mit te bers eRe va ;
Ree, res Ök take me out, take mé wi, 6 xT ahalt ie tá
Be ee ip bak égők already zt S os ee RY
Wgtee “Them che slew neat, and myths ripe ako’: peed. shed ts
Be zs “out alt the joxies one er after: the: patie, ang she? pent



