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“T shall put a stop to all this,” said he.

At night he lay down as usual in bed, and when his wife
thought that he was asleep, she got up, opened the door and
lay down again. ‘The little tailor, who only made bélieve to
be asleep, began to murmur plainly,

" Now, boy, make me that waistcoat and patch me those
breeches, or I will lay my yard measure about your shoulders !
I have slain seven at one blow, killed two giants, caught a
unicorn, and taken a wild boar, and shall I be afraid of those
who are standing outside my room door?”

And when they heard the tailor say this, a great fear
seized them; they fled away as if they had been wild hares,
and none of them would venture to attack him.

And so the little tailor all his lifetime remained a king.