OCR Output


“Now then, who asked you to come? ? said the tailor, and
drove the unbidden guests away. But the flies, not under¬
standing his language, were not to be got rid of like that, and
returned in larger numbers than before. Then the tailor, not
being able to stand it any longer, took from his chimney-corner
a ragged cloth, and saying,

“ Now, III let you have it!” beat it among them unmerci¬
fully. When he ceased, and counted the slain, he found seven
lying dead before him.

“This is indeed somewhat,” he said, wondering at his own
gallantry ; " the whole town shall know this.”

So he hastened to cut out a belt, and he stitched it, and
put on it in large capitals " Seven at one blow!”

‘‘ — The town, did I say! " said the little tailor ; "the whole
world shall know it!” And his heart quivered with joy, like
a lamb s tail.

The tailor fastened the belt round him, and began to
think of going out into the world, for his workshop seemed too
small for his worship. So he looked about in all the house
for something that it would be useful to take with him, but
he found nothing but an old cheese, which he put in his
pocket. Outside the door he noticed that a bird had got
caught in the bushes, so he took that and put it in his pocket
with the cheese. ‘Then he set out gallantly on his way, and
as he was light and active he felt no fatigue. The way led
over a mountain, and when he reached the topmost peak he
saw a terrible giant sitting there, and looking about him at
his ease. The tailor went bravely up to him, called out to
him, and said,

c Comrade, good day ! there you sit looking over the wide.
world! Iam on the way thither to seek my fortune : have
you a fancy to go with me?”

The giant looked at the tailor contemptuously, and said,

“ You little rascal ! you miserable fellow !”

“That may be!” answered the little tailor, and undoing
his coat he showed the giant his belt; "you can read there
whether I am a man or not!”

The giant read: “Seven at one blow!” and thinking it
meant men that the tailor had killed, felt at once more respect
for the little fellow. But as he wanted to prove him, he took
up a stone and squeezed it so hard that water came out of It.