had better get us a larger house; I should like very much to
live in a large stone castle; so go to your fish and he will
send us a castle.”
“O my dear wife,” said the man, “ the cottage is good
enough ; what do we want a castle for?”
“We want one,” said the wife; “go along with you; the
flounder can give us one."
“Now, wife,” said the man, “the flounder gave us the
cottage ; I do not like to go to him again, he may be angry.”
“Go along,” said the wife, “he might just as well give us
it as not; do as I say!”
The man felt very reluctant and unwilling ; and he said to
“Tt is not the right thing to do ;” nevertheless he went.
So when he came to the seaside, the water was purple
and dark blue and grey and thick, and not green and yellow
as before. And he stood and said,
‘*O man, O man !—if man you be,
Or flounder, flounder, in the sea—
Such a tiresome wife I’ve got,
For she wants what I do not.”
“ Now then, what does she want?” said the flounder.
“Oh,” said the man, half frightened, “she wants to live in
a large stone castle.”
Go home with you, she is already standing before the
door,” said-the flounder.
Then the man went home, as he supposed, but when he
got there, there stood in the place of the cottage a great castle
of stone, and his wife was standing on the steps, about to go
in; so she took him by the hand, and said,
“Let us enter.”
With that he went in with her, and in the castle was a
great hall with a marble pavement, and there were a great
many servants, who led them through large doors, and the
passages were decked with tapestry, and the rooms with golden
chairs and tables, and crystal chandeliers hanging from the
ceiling ; and all the rooms had carpets. And the tables were
covered with eatables and the best wine for any one who
wanted them. And at the back of the house was a great