OCR Output


“ Now, mind you must come back at night and say the
same words."

When the King and his hunters saw the fawn with the
golden collar again, they chased him closely, but he was too
nimble and swift for them. This lasted the whole day, and at
last the hunters surrounded him, and one of them wounded
his foot a little, so that he was obliged to limp and to go
slowly. ‘Then a hunter slipped after him to the little house,
and heard how he called out, " Little sister, let me in,” and
saw the door open and shut again after him directly. The
hunter noticed all this carefully, went to the King, and told
him all he had seen and heard. ‘Then said the King,

“ ‘To-morrow we will hunt again.”

But the sister was very terrified when she saw that her
fawn was wounded. She washed his foot, laid cooling leaves
round it, and said, " Lie down on your bed, dear fawn, and rest,
that you may be soon well.” The wound was very slight, so
that the fawn felt nothing of it the next morning. And when
he heard the noise of the hunting outside, he said,

‘“‘T cannot stay in, I must go after them; I shall not be
taken easily again!” The sister began to weep, and said,

“T know you will be killed, and I left alone here in the
forest, and forsaken of everybody. I cannot let you go!”

“Then I shall die here with longing,’ answered the fawn ;
" when I hear the sound of the horn I feel as if I should leap
out of my skin.”

Then the sister, seeing there was no help for it, unlocked
the door with a heavy heart, and the fawn bounded away into
the forest, well and merry. When the King saw him, he said
to his hunters,

"Now, follow him up all day long till the night comes,
and see that you do him no hurt.”

So as soon as the sun had gone down, the King said to
the huntsmen: " Now, come and show me the little house in
the wood.”

And when he got to the door he knocked at it, and

“ Little sister, let me in!”

3 Then the door opened, and the King went in, and there
stood a maiden more beautiful than any he had seen before.