OCR Output


" “Tell us!” cried they. He answered,
‘“‘Promise me that the first maiden we see shall not be
put to death.”

“Yes, we promise,’ cried they all, “she shall have mercy ;
tell us now.” ‘Then he said,

‘Our sister is here,” and lifted up the tub, and the king’s
daughter came forth in her royal garments with her golden
star on her forehead, and she seemed so beautiful, delicate,
and sweet, that they all rejoiced, and fell on her neck and
kissed her, and loved her with all their hearts.

After this she remained with Benjamin in the house and
helped him with the work. ‘The others went forth into the
woods to catch wild animals, does, birds, and pigeons, for
food for them all, and their sister and Benjamin took care
that all was made ready for them. She fetched the wood for
cooking, and the vegetables, and watched the pots on the fire,
so that supper was always ready when the others came in.
She kept also great order in the house, and the beds were
always beautifully white and clean, and the brothers were con¬
tented, and lived in unity.

One day the two got ready a fine feast, and when they
were all assembled they sat down and ate and drank, and were
full of joy. Now there was a little garden belonging to the
enchanted house, in which grew twelve lilies; the maiden,
thinking to please her brothers, went out to gather the twelve
flowers, meaning to give one to each as they sat at meat. But
as she broke off the flowers, in the same moment the brothers
were changed into twelve ravens, and flew over the wood far
away, and the house with the garden also disappeared. So the
poor maiden stood alone in the wild wood, and as she was
looking around her she saw an old woman standing by her,
who said,

“My child, what hast thou done! why couldst thou not
leave the twelve flowers standing? they were thy twelve
brothers, who are now changed to ravens for ever.” The
maiden said, weeping,

“Is there no means of setting them free ? ”

“No,” said the old woman, "there is in the whole world
no way but one, and that is difficult; thou canst not release
them but by being dumb for seven years: thou must neither