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things, one of each kind, landed, and went up to the royal
castle. And when he reached the courtyard of the castle there
stood by the well a pretty maiden, who had two golden pails
in her hand, and she was drawing water with them; and as
she turned round to carry them away she saw the strange man,
and asked him who he was. He answered,

“T am a merchant,” and opened his apron, and let her look

within it.

“ Ah, what beautiful things!” cried she, and setting down
her pails, she turned the golden toys over, and looked at them
one after another: then she said,

“The Princess must see these; she takes so much plea¬
sure in gold things that she will buy them all from you.”

Then she took him by the hand and led him in, for she

was the chamber-maid.
When the Princess saw the golden wares she was very

pleased, and said,
“ All these are so finely worked that I should like to buy

them of you.”
But the faithful John said,
“T am only the servant of a rich merchant, and what I

have here is nothing to what my master has in the ship—the
cunningest and costliest things that ever were made of gold.”

The Princess then wanted it all to be brought to her; but
he said,

“That would take up many days; so great is the number
of them, and so much space would they occupy that there
would not be enough room for them in your house.”

But the Princess’s curiosity and fancy grew so much that

at last she said,
‘‘Lead me to the ship; I will myself go and see your

master’s treasures.”

Then Faithful John led her to the ship joyfully, and the
King, when he saw that her beauty was even greater than the
picture had set forth, felt his heart leap at the sight. Then
she climbed up into the ship, and the King received her.
. Faithful John stayed by the steersman, and gave orders for the |
ship to push off, saying, ‘‘Spread all sail, that she may fly

like a bird in the air,”
So the King showed her all the golden things, each sepa¬