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uneasy. The King noticed how quickly her heart was beating,
and said,

“ My child, what are you afraid of? is there a giant stand¬
ing at the door ready to carry you away?”

“ Oh no,” answered she; “no giant, but a horrid frog.”

" And what does the frog want?” asked the King.

“‘O dear father,” answered she, “when I was sitting by
the well yesterday, and playing with my golden ball, it fell
into the water, and while I was crying for the loss of it, the
frog came and got it again for me on condition I would let
him be my companion, but I never thought that he could
leave the water and come after me; but now there he is out¬
side the door, and he wants to come in to me.”

And then they all heard him knocking the second time
and crying,

** Youngest King’s daughter,
Open to me!
By the well water
What promised you me?
Youngest King’s daughter
Now open to me!”

“That which thou hast promised must thou perform,” said
the King; "so go now and let him in.”

So she went and opened the door, and the frog hopped
in, following at her heels, till she reached her chair. ‘Then he
stopped and cried,

“ Lift me up to sit by you.”

But she delayed doing so until the King ordered her.
When once the frog was on the chair, he wanted to get on the
table, and there he sat and said,

“Now push your golden plate a little nearer, so that we
may eat together.”

And so she did, but everybody might see how unwilling
she was, and the frog feasted heartily, but every morsel seemed
to stick in her throat.

“T have had enough now,” said the frog at last, “and
as I am tired, you must. carry me to your room, and make
ready your silken bed, and we will lie down and go to