OCR Output




1 Aldrovandi, A., Buzzegoli, E., Keller, A. and Kunzelman, D., ‘Investigation of painted surfaces with a
reflected UV false colour technique’, in Art’05 - 8th International Conference on "Non Destructive
Investigations and Microanalysis for the Diagnostics and Conservation of the Cultural and
Environmental Heritage." Lecce (Italy), 15-19 May 2005.
? Verri, G., Clementi, C., Comelli, D., Cather, S. and Piqué F., ‘Correction of Ultraviolet-Induced
Fluorescence Spectra for the Examination of Polychromy’, Applied Spectroscopy, , (2008) 62(12)
> Verri, G., Comelli, D., Cather, S., Saunders, D. and Piqué, F., ‘Post-capture data analysis as an aid
to the interpretation of ultraviolet-induced fluorescence images’, Proceedings of SPIE 6810, Computer
Image Analysis in the Study of Art, eds Stork, D.G. and Coddington, J . (2008) 681002-1 to 681002-12.
“Clementi, C., Miliani, C., Verri, G., Sotiropoulou, S., Romani, A., Brunetti B.G. and Sgamellotti, A.,
‘Application of the Kubelka—M unk Correction for Self-Absorption of Fluorescence Emission in Carmine
Lake Paint Layers’, Applied Spectroscopy, (2009) 63(12) 1323-1330.
° Martinez, K. and Cupitt, J., “VIPS — a highly tuned image processing software architecture’. In, IEEE
International Conference on Image Processing, Genova, IEEE, (2005), 574-577.
° http://www. bobatkins.com/photography/digital/raw.htm|

Fraser, B., ‘Understanding’ digital raw capture’, Adobe whitepaper (2004)
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R awT herapee
* http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/detail.isp? ftplID =5597
9 http://www.vips.ecs.soton.ac.uk/supported/current/doc/html/nipquide/nipquide.html|
Dyer, J., Higgitt, C., Verri, G., Cupitt, J., Sotiropoulou, S. and Clementi, C., ‘Report On Module
Evaluated On Real Objects’, CHARISMA - D10.16 (2013) http://www.charismaproject.eu
” See for example; http://www.xrite.com/ildisplay-pro
13 Warda, J. (Editor), Frey, F., Dawn Heller, D., Kushel, D., Vitale, T., Weaver, G., ‘The AIC Guide to
Digital Photography and Conservation Documentation’ Washington, D.C., American Institute for
Conservation of Historic and Artistic W orks, (2011), 88-93.

Version No. 1.0 184 Date : 14/10/2013