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‘reer rear] vre vate uyicalib align | specden falsecolour uvistray uvikm vilstray vikm results
S object
Mono. pair 2 315
, Slee] | label | visible-induced IR luminescence
3272 | targets_label | visible-induced IR luminescence with calibration targets, just band 0
J16 label | UV-induced visible luminescence
targets_label | UV-induced visible luminescence with calibration targets
object label | UV-induced visible luminescence of object
J17 label | visible-induced IR luminescence
targets label | visble-induced IR luminescence with calibration targets
S targets
object label | visible-induced IR luminescence of object
Db) 1
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Figure 3-82
Generating monochrome images
6) Scroll right to column K. This generates monochrome images based on the output from
a single channel (the red channel for VIL images). This is the procedure described as
“mono-izing” in Chapter 1.
7) The resultant images can be observed in K9 (Figure 3-82).
Image registration: aligning the calibrated VIS image and VIL image.
8) Click on the “align” tab and scroll right. Column B registers the VIS and the VIL images
(Figure 3-83).
9) Two sets of images are observed to allow the independent registration of the Spectralon
diffuse reflectance standards in the images containing these (B2) and the images
themselves (B3). This allows greater flexibility in order to address various scenarios:
(a) Where the images used for calibration are the same images to be calibrated and no
alteration in the position of the standards has occurred in the VIS vs. the VIL
images (as in Figure 3-83). This would be the expected situation in a studio setting;
(b) As above but some alteration in the position of the standards has occurred in the
VIS vs. VIL images;
(c) Where the images used for calibration are not the same images to be calibrated,
either because it is a “twin” image not containing the standards or another frame
taken with the same camera and lighting conditions. This may be the situation if
carrying out work in the field where site constraints may not allow the standards to
be easily included in the frame or if batch processing a number of different frames
taken with the same camera and lighting conditions.
Version No. 1.0 171 Date : 14/10/2013